Evaporation cooling is to cool and humidify air by water evaporation to absorb heat.
Did you ever wonder why you feel cooler by the ocean?
It is because hot air is blown over water causing some of the water to evaporate and absorb heat.
Evaporative air cooler working this evaporation principle.
T-Yong Air cooler is more suitable for public places such as, industries and mine enterprises.
It has more efficient in environment, energy saving cooling and Air convection. It's easy to install
and convenient to maintain. It's very popular to the enterprisers.
Compare T-Yong Air Cooler With Traditional Air Compressor
Our products come with advantages as follows:
1. energy-saving
Take the Air Flow 18000 m3/n.for example, T-Yong Air Cooler output is
1.1kw, the occupied area is 100-150m2 , the electricity consumption
will be abort one degree, while covering 150 m2, if we use tradition al
air compressor, it will use up 10degree electricity. Energy consumed
only 10%.
- efficient cooling
Cooling speed of T-Yong is quicker an that of air compressor If
we use T-Yong air cooler, 10minutes after being started, if will have
obvious good effect , while using air compressor , if will take more
time. For dry area, using T-Yong Air Cooler could protect air from dry.
And Air compressor will make the dry area more dry when if works.
- air exchange
To keep the indoors temperature invariable, we have to close
doors and windows when using air compressor. It results in bad air and
make workers faint and headache , while using T-Yong Air Cooler, we
don't need to close them and we can let cool air in , hot air out keep
the room fresh cool.
- simplily-installed
When it will be complicated to install an air compressor,because
we have to install some other units , such as cooling tower, water
pump and so on . All these must be done by mechanicals, while T-Yong Air
Cooler is easy to install.
- environment-friendly
T-Yong Air cooler is to cool and humidify air by water
evaporation to absorb neat while traditional air compressor will give
off pollution and destroy the Ozone layer in the Atmosphere.